Friday, February 6, 2015

Boston's transportation meltdown

The commutes here in Boston have been suffering tremendously in recent weeks. Two snowstorms in seven days, with 40 inches of snow between them. While there are plows aplenty throughout the city, the biggest issue has been snow removal.
The plowed snow is heaped on both sides of the streets, covering the curbs and encroaching onto the roads. Three-lane roads have become one lane roads. The aged subway cars are having difficulty functioning with the snow getting in the works and the cold temperatures.
In the most of this, bicycling is still probably the best way to get to work. I biked to work yesterday, when it was warm enough to rain. The roads were slushy, but very bikeable. I managed to catch up to and pass a shuttle service that was talking the same route that I was.
Unfortunately the temps plummeted during the day, and when I left the office it was in the teens and very windy. I took the subway today because all the slush turned into surfaces of ice.
Looking forward to when I can take my road bike out again.