Thursday, January 29, 2015

Small Footprint

In the wake of the blizzard Juno, Bostonians collectively rejoiced at their days off and headed out to brave the snow-filled streets in search of coffee. Personally, I worked from home the past couple days. It was fun, but cabin fever set in as I stayed inside for nearly 48 straight hours. Going back to work today was somewhat of a relief. I missed having my morning commute!

I wasn't sure whether biking would be feasible, but I checked the streets last night and they seemed pretty clear. The major problem was that due to the plowed snowbanks, the parking lanes and sometimes bicycle lanes were under snow. I would have to travel in the car lane and hope that drivers behind me wouldn't get too pissed off.

Turns out my worrying was unnecessary. All traffic down Beacon Street, the major thoroughfare downtown from my area was stop and go, and very slow. I stayed in the car lane and waited like all the drivers ahead and behind me. Having to wait behind cars was a bit tedious, but it was still good to be out in the fresh air and biking again. And it turned out that the hold up was caused by a fender bender at an intersection. After passing that the roads were clear (relatively speaking) and free!

On the way down I saw lines and lines of people waiting for the T, and occasionally got a nose-full of truck exhaust. It did make me appreciate my small carbon footprint. I was essentially getting to work for free, and only having to wait in line for a bit.

It took me almost an hour to get to work, but overall it was very doable. Here's to more winter biking!